Thursday, January 26, 2012

Penny War

Today I learned not to underestimate my co-workers. I am the team captain for our Relay for Life team that raises money for American Cancer Society. We have been touched on many occasions by members of our work family having cancer. In our effort to help raise money for research, we hold monthly fundraisers throughout the year. Our latest and by far the most successful fundraiser to date, was a penny war. The object of the game was to collect as many pennies as you could and then sabotage your opponents by adding nickels and dimes to their jars. Each penny counted as a point, each nickel or dime was a negative 5 or negative 10 against the total for that particular jar. Quarters or dollars could be added to the jars as well, but wouldn't count against you in any way, just add to the total raised all together. In one day alone we raised more than half of what we collected over all. I am still in awe at what we raised. I am proud to work with so many generous souls.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

On our vacation, this is one of the beautiful spots we stopped at. I love all of our adventures.

My favorite kiddos. Growing up so fast and amazing me every day.

Friday, May 30, 2008


I had fun today. Sitting in Mom's backyard watching my children play as well as taking pictures of her many different varieties of flowers. I even had the priviledge of photographing one of her hummingbird friends that came to visit. It let me get within a couple of feet of it to take it's picture and didn't move at all.....until my children came along and disturbed it.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


As if I didn't have enough drama this week between the mill not having a contract yet and with my daughter taking the kid scissors to her hair the other day...
(before haircut.....really mad at herself)

(day after haircut....happy with the results)

I got a phone call from my husband about an hour ago saying a deer ran out in the road and he had to jam on the breaks. Luckily both he and the guy he is going hunting with are OK and aren't hurt. I'm glad he didn't have our trailer on behind him when this happened or this whole situation could've been a whole lot worse than it is. Our poor truck though, is now in need of a good repair shop. The drivers side door is smooshed in enough he can't get it open so has to go in through the passenger side. I haven't seen the damage yet. As far as I know he still won't be home til Thursday. It's time for the drama to end and get back to life as usual don't you think?

Monday, April 14, 2008


I love springtime when all the flowers come out of hiding and show their pretty heads!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

This is the first time in my recolection that I've ever seen a lunar eclipse. Living in Oregon it's either too cold or too cloudy to see them when they happen. My kids were impressed for a time before they thought it was more fun to go inside and play Leapster games. My camera and I braved the cold though and this is what we came back with. Enjoy.


